Today's reading in Genesis, God made man and said that all in the garden of Eden were for them to partake, but not the Tree of good and evil. When I think about this, man could have chosen the Tree of Life, but the Devil made sure that Adam and Eve went to the Tree of good and evil, and thus sin came into the world. At that time, Adam and Eve could have chosen the Tree of Life. God did make a wonderful provision for us taking away this "original" sin in Christ Jesus the Lord. He gives us the opportunity to go toward the Tree of Life when we give Him true worship in Jesus Christ. May we all remain in the "Way the Truth and thus get Life. The real life that is only found in Jesus the Lord. We also have an advocate in Our Blessed Mother to intercede for us in giving our prayers to her. She will send them to her Son, who will also hear and answer them in accordance with His will.